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Welcoming New Students and Parents to Winter Clinic 2023-2024 at Mountainside Racquet Club

Dear Mountainside Racquet Club Families,

We hope this message finds you well and ready to embrace the winter season at Mountainside Racquet Club! We are thrilled to welcome all our new students and their parents to the Winter Clinic 2023-2024, which kicks off today, Sunday, December 3rd, and will continue until Monday, March 4, 2023.

A Warm Welcome to Our New Students and Parents

First and foremost, we extend a warm welcome to all our new students and their families. We are excited to have you as part of the Mountainside Racquet Club community, and we look forward to a season filled with growth, learning, and fun on the courts.

Important Reminders and Rules for a Successful Clinic

As we embark on this winter clinic journey, we would like to remind all parents of a few essential rules to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

1. Court Etiquette: No Parents on the Court

  • For the safety and focus of our students, we kindly request that parents refrain from stepping onto the court while the sessions are in progress.

  • Only students will be allowed to walk towards the courts where their coaches will be waiting.

2. Attendance Tracking on the Court

  • Coaches will take attendance directly on the court at the beginning of each session. Please ensure that your child is present and ready to participate at the scheduled start time.

3. Communication Channels

  • If you have any questions or concerns related to the Winter Clinic, please reach out to the clinic coach via email. You can find the coach's email under the 10U Program tab on our website.

4. Front Desk Assistance

  • Our front desk staff will be available to assist you with any logistical or administrative queries. However, please note that they are unable to provide information about individual students' progress on the court. For progress-related inquiries, please contact your child's coach directly.

Contact Information and Resources

For any inquiries related to the Winter Clinic 2023-2024, please visit our website and navigate to the Program tab. There, you will find all clinics coach's email address for direct communication. Our front desk staff will also be more than happy to assist you with general queries.

We are committed to making this winter clinic season a memorable and positive experience for all our students and their families. Thank you for your cooperation and support in adhering to these guidelines.

Wishing everyone a fantastic winter season filled with joy, improvement, and a love for the game!


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